Gigenji Temple
Jigenji temple was founded by an itinerant priest who happened to visit
this place in the first year of Tokuji(1306)in later Kamakura period.
The priest,Hoin Jo−on,was here presented with an image  of 
Kosanze−myoo(one of guardian gods of Buddhism)dug out  in the middle
of a precipice. He asked a local feudal lord, Nagasaki Shirozaemon, to 
enshrine the image. The small shrine,thus constructed,was the origination of the temple.

 The shrine was rebuilt into a large shugenjo(meditation hall) after 
substitution of the image, which,having done some calamity to passers
−by,was again  buried in the earth. The new image came to be 
greatly admired by the local populace.  
  After Hoin Jo−on passed away in the first year of Shochu
(1324), his djsciple,Eion,replaced the shrine on the cliff,
which is the present  location, with the aid of Nagasaki 
family among others.

 He also placed a principle image of  Dainichi−Nyorai(one 
state of  Buddha himself)  and named the temple 
Kiraku−san Kyorei−in Jigenji  organizing it into the Singon 

 The temple has enjoyed the privilege of bearing the crest 
of  paulownia  leaves since its priest, Yugi, was granted 
an  image which had been a  personal possession of 
Emperor Hanazono(1308−1318).

 The present main building was reconstructed in 1975.